An Expert Guide to Bust the Myths of LED Street Lighting

People know the benefits of LED light more so on energy conservation. Even so, there have been several myths over the years surrounding its use for street lighting. This has caused some local councils to opt for other alternatives. The effects of LED street lighting, for instance, have remained a contentious topic over the years. Here are some helpful tidbits on this topic to differentiate fact from fiction.

LED Street Lights Are Harmful To Eyes

Some opponents of LED street lighting have said that the lights are too bright and responsible for a range of eye conditions. The concern here is, however, not the type of lighting but its wavelength. LED street lights, unlike other options, can be controlled to shorten the wavelength they emit. This means that they will hardly affect your eyes because you can get optimal lighting with a low wavelength.

Short Wavelengths Are Not Ideal For Street Lighting

Short wavelengths are among the primary components of the visible light spectrum. Its benefits include increased safety and aesthetics for the outdoors. When applied to street lighting, the short wavelength will showcase colors naturally and boost the appearance of people and objects rather than hamper it.

Conventional Street Lights Are the Ideal Ones for Communities

Most communities have used high-pressure lights that emit an orange-yellow glow over the years. They are apprehensive about changing to LED street lighting, believing it is costly and not as efficient as high-pressure lighting. Even so, LED lights are long-lasting and reduce light trespass and glare, unlike the latter, making them the safer and inexpensive alternative for your community’s outdoor lighting.

The above information has hopefully made you wiser on what constitutes LED lighting for your streets. You thus can educate your community and local council on the same. They are sure to appreciate you once they start harnessing the benefits of LED street lights.

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